Two Factor Authentication

Learn about configuring MFA/2fa in Couchdrop


Couchdrop supports MFA/2FA natively through an integration with Authy (by Twilio). All users can configure 2fa for the Couchdrop Web App and when they first login to Couchdrop.

Authy supports SMS based 2FA and QR code based authenticator apps like the Microsoft Authenticator, 1password and the Google Authenticator. Setup is quick and easy and users can self manage.

Enabling 2FA does not restrict SFTP and FTP access. 2FA is only supported for the web app.

Enabling Two Factor Authentication

Users can self manage 2fa by logging into the Couchdrop Web App and clicking on their user profile.

Forcing the use of MFA/Two Factor Authentication

Couchdrop now supports 2fa enforcement via a new security option. When enabled, users who have not configured 2fa will be required to configure it the next time they login.

How to Enable

To enable 2fa enforcement;

  1. Login to Couchdrop as the owner

  2. Click Administration --> Security

  3. Under Password Policies, toggle the checkbox for Enforced MFA

Debugging issues

Couchdrop administrators with permissions to manage users can disable 2fa for users in their tenant. Disabling 2fa for a user will allow the user login to Couchdrop without 2fa and retry configuration.

Administrators cannot modify the global security settings or disable 2fa on the account owner. Contact support for help with issues accessing the owner account.

Last updated