How to connect
Learn how to connect to Couchdrop with SFTP or FTP
Connecting to Couchdrop with a SFTP or FTP client is simple. To get started, you will need:
A username and password or
A username and key
The hostname for your Couchdrop POP. This can be found by clicking Connect
A SFTP or FTP client
General Connection Details
Couchdrop uses the default ports for both SFTP and FTP.
Your hostname will look like <my domain> and can be found under Connect in the Couchdrop web app.
The standard port for SFTP, SCP and Rsync.
The standard port for FTP and FTPs via TLS
The standard port for SCP traffic
SFTP Connection Options
SFTP is beautifully simple in terms of configuration options. There are normally only two.
Couchdrop provides a domain name for each tenant. You can find this under Connect in the Couchdrop web app
The standard port for SFTP and SCP
FTP Connection Options
FTP has a few options around networking and security. Couchdrop attempts to support as many clients as feasible, but these are the recommendations.
TLS auto negotiation
FTP by default is insecure. It is unencrypted and very easy to break. FTPs use an auto negotiation process that occurs during authentication that uses encrypted channels. We recommended always enabling this option.
Couchdrop uses the default port for FTP access
Passive Mode
Passive FTP mode forces the client to negotiate data channels with the server. This alleviates most of the issues with NAT and firewalls that do not support active channel negotiation.
Couchdrop provides a domain name for each tenant. You can find this under Connect in the Couchdrop web app
Last updated
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